Rainbow Baby Names For Your New Baby

Rainbow Baby Names For Your New Baby

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A rainbow baby, a baby born after a pregnancy loss, is truly special. For all parents, pregnancy is a time of worry and stress, but also of joy and wonder. Add in a previous pregnancy or child loss and all of these feelings are amplified. What better way to celebrate them than with one of these perfect rainbow baby names.

Remember you’re not alone in your grief. I lost my very first pregnancy in 2014 (you can read my story here: My Miscarriage Story). Finding and talking to other people who have gone through the same thing is very helpful, either in person, on facebook, or any other way of talking.

Rainbow Baby Names

asian woman with long cardigan holding pregnant belly
Image via Pexels

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  • Aisling – Irish, a hopeful dream
  • Asha – hope/life
  • Aisha – life
  • Alba – new life
  • Anastacia – new life
  • Aurora – new life
  • Ayah – miracle
  • Beatrix – Latin, miracle
  • Carwyn – blessed love
  • Celestine – from the heavens
  • Enid – soul
  • Eloma – life
  • Eva – Life
  • Evangeline – Greek, good news
  • Evette – life
  • Geneiveve – God’s blessing
  • Hope
  • Iris – rainbow
  • Kia – new beginings
  • Lucy – ray of light
  • Miracle
  • Nina – Arabic, hope of love
  • Renee – reborn
  • Reneta – reborn
  • Sian – Welsh, God’s gift
  • Vivian – Life
  • Zoey – life


  • Aaron – miraculous
  • Abel – breath of life
  • Anthony – priceless
  • Asher – a blessing
  • Bennett – little blessed one
  • Boone – blessing
  • Callahan – Irish, hopeful
  • Cedric – bounty
  • Dylan – Celtic, ray of hope
  • Fresco – fresh start
  • Gianni – god is gracious
  • Jesse – gift
  • Josiah – healing
  • Kiran – ray of light
  • Luca – bringer of light
  • Marvel – miracle
  • Mirai – miracle
  • Neo – new
  • Novak – new
  • Phoenix – reincarnation
  • Reyen – gift of god
  • Shay – gift
  • Tan – new
  • Theo – divine gift
  • Vitale – vital
  • Walken – Rainbow

Finding any perfect rainbow baby names for your new baby can be tough – you want to find something as beautiful as your new child. Any one of these rainbow baby names is sure to make a beautiful addition to your family.

Did you find any rainbow baby names you liked? Did I miss any? Let me know your rainbow baby’s name below.

More Rainbow Baby Name Inspiration


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