3 Things Which Must Change In Your Home When You Have A Baby

3 Things Which Must Change In Your Home When You Have A Baby

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A lot of things in your life changes when you have a baby. For one thing, your lifestyle changes as you spend more time at home with your newborn. But one unexpected thing that needs to change is your house. After all, there are a lot of things that you need to do differently in your home now that you have a baby living with you. Here are three things which must change in your home when you have a baby.

3 Things Which Must Change In Your Home When You Have A Baby

You need to put clutter away

When it’s just you and your partner in your home, you freely leave items in your home without a second’s thought. But with a baby now living in your property, any unnecessary clutter needs to be put away. For one thing, it will stop your little one from getting hold of an item that might harm them. And also, when they start to crawl around, they might hurt themselves by falling over an item which hasn’t got a home. Therefore, before your newborn arrives, spend time with your partner cleaning all the clutter away. Find homes for things you want to keep, and throw everything else out in the bin. That way, you will have a safe and clean environment for your little one!

You need to add more safety features

When you have a baby, you start worrying more about break-ins. After all, a burglar might hurt your little one and take your treasured belongings. Therefore, to keep your newborn safe, you need to add more safety features to your home. You might want to add CCTV to your property, and a burglar alarm to deter thieves from coming into your home. Check out security systems for your home online on sites such as http://alarm-reviews.net/frontpoint-security-review/. You can even get some with advanced features such as a video feed from your smartphone. That way, you can check on the home while you are outside of the property!

You need to start using non-toxic products

You might be surprised to know that lots of cleaning products you use in your home contain harsh chemicals. In fact, this article says the average household contains 62 toxic chemicals. These can be hidden in products such as oven cleaners and bleach! The chemicals contaminate the air and can cause your child to have breathing problems. In fact, a lot of the ingredients have been linked to asthma and cancer. Therefore, you need to start buying non-toxic products for your home. You can easily find some natural products that will ensure you can safely clean your home. Look at my previous blog for some help choosing non-toxic cleaning products to keep your baby safe. Also, http://www.parenting.com/article/green-cleaning-products has some great ideas for making your own cleaners. After all, green cleaning products can be expensive!

3 Things Which Must Change In Your Home When You Have A Baby

And make sure you keep on top of annual checks for your boiler. It’s easy to forget to book an appointment when you are busy with your baby. But it’s so important to get them to come out and check your heater annually to stop issues such as carbon monoxide poisoning which will harm your baby.


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