I’m always looking for ways for our family to go green and reduce our carbon footprint. Our family is far from being a zero waste family (and I’m not sure we ever will be), but I like changing things in our household to reduce our impact. From reusable bags, to tupperware and waterbottles, I find making small changes one at a time has a lot of success in our household.
My household (specifically my husbad) however, isn’t exactly supportive. It’s not that my husband is against being more enviromentally friendly, it’s just that he values convience over pretty much anything else. Paper towels instead of towels (or my fancy unpapertowels), plastic bags instead of tupperware. Plastic bags are actually banned in our city with the hope of encouraging people to use reusable bags…. which my husband purchases on every visit to the store. He about had a panic attack the day I brought home a pretty roll of family cloth (that’s reusable cloth toilet paper).
Luckily, there is a compromise for us. Being green doesn’t mean you have to give up convienence. Here are 5 ways to go green when you’re family is less than willing.

Recycled Toothbrush
Most toothbrushes are made from new plastic and end up just being tossed in the trash at the end of their lifespan. By choosing a toothbrush made from recycled materials, or one that can be further recycled, you can lessen your impact. There are also toothbrushes made from biodegradable materials such as wood or bamboo. There is such a wide variety of eco friendly toothbrushes available that you are sure to find one to satisfy the whole family.
Homemade Cleaner
Homemade natural cleaners can be just as effective as store bought ones, plus they tend to be safer for the family and more cost effective. I love infusing vinegar with citrus peels for a nice effective cleaner. Simply place vinegar and citrus peels in a mason jar and store for two weeks in a cool, dark place. When ready, strain out the peels and dilute with water. Make sure to place the mixture in a spray bottle for easy access.
Switch to Safety Razors
The EPA estimates around 2 million disposables razors are thrown away each year – and they are almost impossible to recycle. Safety razors are making a come back – and for good reasons! They are both cheaper than disposable razors and are able to be recycled. Plus, they provide a closer, smoother shave!
Scott® Tube-Free Bath Tissue
Even though I’ve tried to get my husband on board with family cloth, he’s unwilling to try it. So what’s the next best thing? Toilet paper with less waste. Over 17 billion toilet tubes are used each year – enough to fill the empire state building twice. Ditch the toilet tube with Scott® Tube-Free Bath Tissue. This is an easy change that even the most unwilling family member won’t mind.
Best of all, it’s available on Amazon’s subscribe and save – meaning you can set up your delivery and forget it. And you’ll receive $2 off.
Want to find out more about Scott® Tube-Free Bath Tissue? Click here to purchase on Amazon.
What easy changes have you made for you family?