5 Cute Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Teenage Daughter

5 Cute Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Teenage Daughter

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Christmas is around the corner and the idea of what gift to get your daughter has probably been looming over your head for a while now. You want to get something she will appreciate but also have a use for. And something she’ll be extremely grateful for. But what can you buy her that is both useful and sometimes she wants?

Fortunately, you are not the only mom in this situation and there have been plenty before you who have struggled over this very same issue. Teenage girls can be picky – that’s why there are now so many gift guides and special gift packs catered to them! And with the power of the internet, advice from moms and stores alike is all at your fingertips.

But going through all those different articles takes a lot of work, so I’ve compiled a go-to list of the top 4 Christmas ideas to make your daughter smile.

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1. A Phone

A great gift for your daughter is buying her a new phone. I know that limiting your child’s time spent with electronics is an important part of raising them to be well-rounded individuals but keeping them up to date with tech is important too.

With a new phone, you can keep a tab on where your daughter is with locator apps and also ensure that she has the most advanced resources available to her should she get into trouble. If she has an outdated phone and ends up stranded somewhere, she might not be able to get in contact with help as quickly as possible.

2. An Instant Camera

Let your daughter take selfies with friends without the distraction of the latest iPhone! Instax and Polaroid are just two companies that now make cute cameras in pastel colors that print out mini photos instantly. She’ll love playing with it at parties or taking it on trips.

3. A Phone Case

Getting your daughter a phone case could either act as a pair with the gift of the phone itself, or it could act as a good substitute if she wants a new phone but it’s not something in your price range. A nice quality phone case will also act as a protective layer between the phone and the ground – many of us moms have had to spend money fixing smashed screens!

Find some of the best iphone cases at Casely to help keep her phone protected and looking cute at the same time.

4. A Trip

Teenagers love adventure. They love exploring new places and getting to know the world a little bit better. A great gift idea would be to take your daughter on a vacation to somewhere, or send her on a trip with friends. Depending on your budget, this could be go-karting or camping in your town, to a shopping trip in New York City.

Memories make a bigger impact than physical items, so getting a trip for you to enjoy with your daughter is a great way to let her know that you care.

5. A Plant

If your daughter has been begging for an animal, first – get her a plant! This is a good way to instill responsibility into a teenager. It can also work as a game for her to eventually work up to getting an animal. If she can keep the plant alive for 3 months, THEN you can talk about puppies.

Having a pet is a great responsibility that a child should earn the right to have. A plant is a perfect segue into eventually owning a dog or cat.

The plant should be well maintained, and you should keep track of how she is taking care of the plant. If she puts her heart into caring for the plant and it ends up well, you know she is ready for an animal.

The baby steps will help teach her patience and responsibility, it might even give a green thumb while you’re at it. Maybe she’ll just keep asking for plants and forget the bunny…


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