5 Tips to Introduce STEM to Toddlers

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Toddlers are amazing. They absorb everything just like little sponges. Research has even shown the during the first five years our brains develop the most rapidly and shapes the way we learn and suceed in school and life. And in recent years, STEM activites (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) have really come center stage.Is it any wonder that parents are spending more and more money on preschool learning activities? But the beginning stages of learning doesn’t have to be complicated. We can set the foundation and introduce STEM to toddlers in the comfort of our own home.

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5 Tips to Introduce STEM to Toddlers

Let Them Explore

Introducing STEM concepts to toddlers doesn’t have to be hard, fancy or even structured. Take them outside and let them explore. Rocks, leafs and sticks are an amazing way to explore gravity, drag and reactions. Let your toddler take the lead. Maybe you’ll find they love throwing rocks in the water. This is a great experiment to see which rocks make a bigger splash. No need to create a formal activity. Simply observe your toddler and go along with it. If they are verbal, consider asking them what they see, hear or smell.

Let Them Play with Everyday Objects

No need for fancy toys, everyday objects are a wonder for toddlers. A simple tub of rice and measuring cups is a wonderful sensory and learning experience. How much rice do I need to fill up this cup? What happens if I turn this cup over? How can I use this ‘tool’ to acheive my desired result?

Again, no need to guide or direct their play, simply watch and make observations.

Invest in Toys that Encourage Spatial & Imaginative Play

Of course, if you are in the market for toys, there are so many great toys that encourage STEM learning.

Our current favorite are the Meigo magnetic tiles.

These are such an amazing toy combining the creativity and freedom of building with magnets. They increase spatial awareness while improving hand eye coordination. Plus, they’re just plain fun!

Both my 1 and 2 year old love these. They love stacking them, creating ladders, shapes and sorting them.

They’re pretty durable, and so far we haven’t had any issues with them. However, if working with young children, I would highly recommend adult supervision as magnets are incredibly dangerous if swallowed.

Available on Amazon.

Don’t Force It

Toddlers typically have short attention spans. If they aren’t interested in whatever activity your doing (no matter how much you’ve planned), there’s no use forcing it. The more you push them, the more they’ll push back, and the less likely they are engage. Take you toddlers lead. Try coming back to the activity at a later time.

Introducing STEM to toddlers doesn’t have to be difficult. Simply exploring and encouraging your child’s interests is enough! By providing them plenty of opportunities to learn and explore, we are introducing STEM concepts at an appropriate age.

What activities have you done with your toddlers?


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