Can Technology Play A Part In Natural Living?

Can Technology Play A Part In Natural Living?

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So many people are trying really hard to enjoy a more natural life. Natural parenting, natural eating, and natural cleaning are just some of the ways you can do this. Of course, the twenty-first century brings with it a raft of technologies. They can provide cleaning solutions, parenting monitors, and delicious meals. Think microwaves, robot vacuums, and dishwashers. They’re all pretty handy. They can do things quicker than us, more thoroughly than us, and even spare us the chores altogether. Can such things work in harmony with a natural life?

Many people are very reliant on some technologies. After all, none of us would be reading this without a smart device and the internet! And a twenty-first century home is built to integrate these technologies into our lives too. But some technologies make a natural way of life possible in the twenty-first century home. Think solar panels and rainwater harvest tank pumps. Free water and free energy from natural sources made possible thanks to tech.

Can Technology Play A Part In Natural Living?

Technology also plays a part in protecting our way of life. Think about security doors and cell phones. They are both used to keep us safe. The door keeps intruders and thieves out. The phone allows us to call for help when we need it, wherever we are. Technology can keep the weather from harming us. Things like rolling shutters and motorized awnings can create shade from the sun. This reduces the amount of energy we need to cool the house too.

Organic eating is a very good way to reduce the harmful toxins entering your body. Technology can help here too. Water sprinklers and rotavators for your crops can be more energy efficient ways of growing your own food. They save you a lot of valuable time and can cover a bigger area. This can increase your harvest each year too. You can monitor the humidity and temperature of your growing pods with radio transmitting weather stations. All of these increase your success and efficiency at growing your own organic food.

Can Technology Play A Part In Natural Living?

Some people use technology to help restore the natural rhythms and cycles of their bodies. Those that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder can use special lamps. These provide a boost of light to emulate natural light. Once that has eased the condition, users can often get back into their natural cycles of sleep and wakefulness. And those that wish to become pregnant naturally can use computer or app monitors to help them time those natural cycles precisely too.

It would be very hard to completely escape all technologies today. But most of us wouldn’t want to. It seems unlikely that a natural way of life could be hindered by technology. Instead, technology can be used to achieve a more natural way of life. Sometimes a washing machine is the best way to deal with half a dozen soiled natural diapers! At the end of the day, it’s about what feels natural for you. We’ve all been brought up with technology all around us. Perhaps it would feel very unnatural to attempt to live without it.


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