I know it’s hard to think about the environment when we are in our home. But all the energy sources we use with our family will have an impact on our environment. The burning of these fuels is putting CO2 into the air and ultimately leading the world towards global warming. Therefore, it’s time to think about the future generations. The best way to start is by finding ways to cut back on your energy usage in your home. After all, you will be surprised how much energy is wasted every year. And while helping the environment, you will ultimately be cutting back on your energy bills! Here are some ways to cut back on your energy usage in your family home, so that you help the environment and your wallet at the same time!
Go Outside in the Fresh Air
We spent far too much time inside our homes on devices. Not only is this causing us to use unnecessary energy, but it’s preventing us spending time outside in the fresh air. And having fresh air is essential for helping us to clear stress from our mind. It can also clear your lungs and boost your brain. Therefore, turn off those tablets and get your family to spend some time outside. You could play some form of sport in the garden, or even spend some time doing gardening as a family. A BBQ is also a great way to get everyone out in the backyard for some family fun. Little ones will also love to get outside in the fresh air; you could even get them a swing or slide.

Get a Thermostat You can Control
A lot of us turn the heating on in Autumn and then it stays on until the early Spring. However, it can end up resulting in a large energy bill to pay. Therefore, you should look into getting a smart thermostat for your home. That way, you can see exactly when you are using energy, and where you need to make changes. It lets you program the temperature so that you can set it for each hour. The good thing about smart heaters is that you can alter it while you are on the move. So if you want to turn the heating off as it’s a better day than you expected, you can do this outside of your home. You can read up online about thermostats such as this Honeywell RTH9580WF review.
Hang Out Washing Rather than Using a Dryer
You won’t believe how many families are wasting energy on dryers. We know it’s a simple and convenient way to get your family’s clothes dry. But there are much better environmentally-friendly ways of getting them dry. As you can see here, using appliances at high-temperatures is a waste of electricity and is contributing to the overuse of fossil fuels! The easiest way of drying clothes is by hanging them outside in the sun. It’s a natural way to get your clothes dry in a quick amount of time. Additionally, hanging clothes on the line means they dry straight which will save you having to iron everything. Just make sure you check the weather before you hang out washing; you don’t want them to get soaked!

Turn Off All Plugs at Night
It’s easy to forget to turn off devices at the plug at night time. After all, we may turn them off by pressing shut down, or pressing the off button on the remote, but then they stay in ‘standby’ mode. You may not realize that this mode is still using unnecessary energy. Therefore, to save money and help the environment, go around the house and turn off the plugs at night. It will only take a few minutes to turn them all back on in the morning. And that way, you know while you slept that you weren’t wasting any energy!

Keep the Fridge and Freezer Full
Although it may not be so good for your grocery shopping bill, a full fridge can save your energy usage! As this feature reveals, food acts as insulation so it stops the fridge having to run as long to stay cool! Therefore, make sure that there is plenty of food in the refrigerator to save some money on your energy bill!
Heat your Home with the Sun
Using heating in your home is often the reason for high energy usage. After all, you need to keep your family warm, so that they stay healthy. However, instead of wasting this energy that can break the bank, you should use the sun to your advantage. One way of doing this is by keeping curtains and blinds open during the day. That way, the sun will fill the room and keep it warm during daytime. Additionally, you should look into installing solar panels. Solar heating is becoming more and more popular because of the environmental and cost factor. By using solar heat to replace your standard heating source, you will reduce your energy usage!

Replace your Bulbs with Energy-Efficient Models
It’s common practice in most homes in the US, but you do need to make sure you are using energy-efficient bulbs in your property to save energy. CFLs (Compact fluorescent light bulbs) are a lot more energy-efficient for your home. They provide the same amount of light as traditional bulbs, while costing you a lot less! Additionally, they last longer, meaning you won’t have to head off to the store for new ones!
Keep Your House Cool Without AC
You might be surprised to know that the reason your energy usage is so high is down to the air conditioning. It can be a very expensive thing to run and could end up costing you a fortune. Therefore, find other ways to keep your home cool without relying on the AC. You might want to use a ceiling fan which can generate cold heat around your home. Or you could open the windows and let the cold air in.
Make sure you are limiting your use of the dishwasher. We know how handy it is, but you only need to use it after big meals. The rest of the time save some energy and wash the plates by hand.