Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

Don’t Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

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How’s your house? Chances are, this time of year you’re spending a lot of time at home because of the horrible weather outside – so you’re thinking a lot about your house and the ways that you could improve it. If you’re anything like us, then one of the main things you’re considering when thinking about ways to improve your house, is the impact that your lifestyle has on the planet and on the environment. 2016 was the hottest year on record and there’s not much that we can do about global warming and climate change other than modifying our own lifestyles so that we create a happier and greener world for the next generation. Here are some ways that you can do that in your own home…

Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

Not only will it be good for the environment but using energy efficient light bulbs will also help to lower your energy bill – meaning that you’ll have money to save or to filter back into making your home more eco friendly. LED bulbs last far longer than regular ones and use a lot less energy, so they’re absolutely worth investing in. You should also make sure to remember to turn off the lights every time you leave a room – and remind your family to do the same thing.

Make Sure You Open The Curtains

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

Opening your curtains every morning will let sunlight into your home – which will warm it up and give you some much-needed Vitamin D on your skin to make sure that you stay healthy over the winter. The sun is the brightest and most environmentally energy source, not to mention that it’s the most sustainable one of them all – so it’s a great idea to make the absolute most of it whenever you can.

Unplug Your Appliances

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

It’s important to remember that appliances like your TV and CD player use almost as much energy when they’re on standby than when they’re actually being used, so make sure that you unplug them when you stop using them. You might also find that you sleep better once there’s no little red light glaring at you from the other side of your bedroom!

Pick Sustainable Materials

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

When you’re redecorating, make sure that you use materials that are as sustainable as possible. Once you’ve decided what you want – check out interior design websites like for ideas! – then it’s time to pick your materials. Make sure you go for non toxic paint and for any materials that are sustainable and recyclable like wood, metal and glass as opposed to plastic. Although cheap and cheerful plastic furniture might seem like a good plan, it also generally isn’t made as well – meaning that you’ll have to replace it much more quickly in comparison to well-made wood furniture. If you’re decorating a kid’s bedroom then go for as little plastic as possible – mobiles can be made out of colourful felt and cork boards can be used to pin up decorations.

Use Appliances Efficiently

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

Make sure that you decide on what exactly you want out of your fridge before you open it so you don’t have to spend a long time with the light on staring at the fridge’s contents – not only will the light use up energy but cold air will also escape from the fridge, meaning that it’ll have to work harder to maintain its temperature. Preheat your oven only when you really need to, and try to use your microwave to reheat food wherever you can as it uses up less energy than the oven.

Make Your House Warmer

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

Making your house warmer will ensure that not only will you have to spend less on your energy bills but you’ll also use up less energy – it’s a decision that’s both financially and environmentally sound. Ensure that all your doors and windows are set into their frames well and that there are no draughts bringing cold air into your house – use a draught excluder if you need to. Make sure that your walls and attic are well insulated. If you want to, you can buy wadding from your local hardware store so you can update your insulation yourself! Finally, if you have wood or tiled floors, put down a rug to keep the heat in.

Grow Plants Indoors

Don't Feel Blue! Turn Green Instead

Not only do plants look delightful, but they can also contribute to the overall health and happiness of your home by absorbing harmful pollutants from the atmosphere and improving the air quality. Not only that but they can also demonstrate the importance of a green lifestyle to your kids – if they’re old enough to manage a watering can, it can be their job to take care of them!

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