Don't Let Your Festive Party Ruin Your Home!

Don’t Let Your Festive Party Ruin Your Home!

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The festive period is one of the busiest time of year, with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming around in a quick succession of each other. This means that we face a lot of occasions where we have a house full of friends and family who are visiting. The friendly, bustling atmosphere is one that many of us thrive on around this time of year, and it can be great to catch up with relatives we may not have seen in awhile. The only downside is that these gatherings can sometimes cause havoc in your home if you are the one who is hosting. Lots of bodies in one place can mean a lot of jostling, and when food and drink are involved, you run the risk of spillages. No one wants to face a hefty cleaning bill right after Christmas – so take a look at these tips to keep your property in order through all the family gatherings the festive season brings.

Don't Let Your Festive Party Ruin Your Home!

Dinner table

As everyone knows, a huge part of Christmas celebrations is the meal you eat. It’s often a couple of days in the making and everyone tends to chip in, whether that’s cooking the food or serving it. Having an impressive dinner table to serve the meal on can help to make the experience a little more special too. But the last thing you want is to end up with cutlery scratch marks all over your expensive table as a result of your children or other younger relatives getting a little overexcited. Some scrapes and bumps are inevitable and are just a normal part of wear and tear. But if you want to prolong the life of your dining table, you might want to invest in black linen tablecloths. Not only do they look cool and classy, they are easy to wash and protect your table from any damage that may occur to it during your family meal.

Don't Let Your Festive Party Ruin Your Home!


Our garbage cans can take a real beating over the festive season, what with the amount of food and packaging that can go in them. Families with children especially will find themselves hidden under a mountain of wrapping paper once the children are finishing unwrapping their presents. For this occasion, it’s best to be prepared with lots of bin bags so you can dispose of everything immediately and get it out of the way. Even the biggest of homes can start to feel cramped and claustrophobic over Christmas, so creating space should be high on your list of priorities.

Don't Let Your Festive Party Ruin Your Home!

Soft furnishings

When the food and drink is flowing (the drink especially) some of your soft furnishings can often fall victim to spillages and staining. This can range from a glass of eggnog to the dreaded red wine stain. There’s a strong likelihood that at least some kind of spillage will occur – but by knowing you have the right products to sort it out you can keep your cool (and avoid having to buy a new carpet too). White vinegar is a popular and low-cost cleaning solution you can use on serious stains, so make sure your cupboards are stocked before your guests arrive.


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