Getting More Sleep with Cariloha Organic Bamboo Sheets

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I received the following product for a reduced price to facilitate this review; however all opinions remain my own. For more information, see my full disclosure policy.

As parents, sleep is important to us. After all, when I lay down at night, I’m not sure if I’ll be getting 8 hours that night… or 5. I’m at the mercy of my 10 month old. So I need my sleep to really count.

My husband and I own a sleep number bed, which has been amazing for us, since he likes a firmer mattress than I do. Our sheets however, have been lacking. The bed was purchased before I moved out with my (now) husband, and when we moved in together, we were a little strapped for money, so we went out and bought some of the cheapest sheet sets we could find. They worked of course, but they were never very comfortable; and there may or may not have been superglue stuck on it from my crafting days that we were never able to get off.

Years, a marriage, a house and a baby later, when my husband and I finally decided we were ready to purchase ourselves some new sheets, we decided on Cariloha’s organic bamboo sheet set in the twill weave which come with a fitted sheet, a normal sheet and 2 pillow cases.

Looking for organic toxin free bedding? Cariloha makes sheets, pillowcases and more from sustainable organic bamboo! Eco friendly. These are seriously the softest sheets we've ever owned!

Cariloha makes bedding, towels, clothing and more from organic bamboo. Bamboo is a quick growing plant, and is one of the most sustainable resources on the planet, making this bedding ecofriendly! These are seriously some of the softest sheets we have ever used.

We always knew bamboo as a hard, woody plant that was green and good for the environment, but it could also be made into ultra-soft clothing, bedding, and bath goods that rivaled the softness of cashmere and silk. Bamboo is 3 degrees cooler than cotton and wicks moisture away from your body. It even helps repel odors and allergens. We didn’t waste time in developing an entire line of bamboo products that would keep you as soft and cool as the Caribbean breeze on a hot summer day.

Looking for organic toxin free bedding? Cariloha makes sheets, pillowcases and more from sustainable organic bamboo! Eco friendly. These are seriously the softest sheets we've ever owned!

My husband was skeptical at first. He’s always dreamed of having high thread count Egyptian cotton sheets, so he was less than thrilled when he saw these – even after I made him feel them right out of the package. After sleeping on them for a few nights, my husband said, “We can definitely keep these.”

My favorite thing about these sheets is that they are cooler than cotton. In general, I’m a warm person. Not necessarily sweaty but warm. Combine that with hot summer nights in California, and cosleeping* with a furnace for a baby (who is sweaty) and it makes a recipe for an uncomfortable mama. These have made a huge difference for my comfort level at night. I find I’m not constantly throwing blankets on and off anymore and stay asleep longer.

Looking for organic toxin free bedding? Cariloha makes sheets, pillowcases and more from sustainable organic bamboo! Eco friendly. These are seriously the softest sheets we've ever owned!

I do find that these sheets tend to wrinkle a lot easier than my last sheets. Pre-baby, this would have really bothered me, but now I’m just thankful they stay on our bed. Another downside, is they seem to stain easier as well. I haven’t spilled anything too big on them, but I do occasionally leak breastmilk at night (not to mention spit up happens), and each and every spot is visible. A quick run through the wash and they are good as new, no special care required.

Looking for organic toxin free bedding? Cariloha makes sheets, pillowcases and more from sustainable organic bamboo! Eco friendly. These are seriously the softest sheets we've ever owned! Babies love them too!

Overall, we love our Cariloha sheets and found they have made a difference in the quality of sleep that we get, plus we feel good about using them since they are ecofriendly. We plan on getting two additional pillow cases as well, but I really wish they had more comforter options to complete our new bedding set.

Cariloha sells high quality products from sustainably sourced organic bamboo.

Cariloha products can be purchased on or through

Would you ever consider switching to bamboo bedding? Have you tried Cariloha? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below.

*Ethan has a sidecar crib attached to the side of our bed with a Dockatot Grand, and will sleep both in the dock and our bed, depending on how our night is going and if he wants to nurse in the middle of the night.


  1. I’ve had bad allergies before starting to use bamboo products.
    It was one of my best choices in the life.
    I am feeling a lot more refreshed when I wake in the morning and I no longer have issues with allergies.
    The brand I use is Cariloha too.

  2. fred frankly

    No such thing as organic bamboo sheets. Bamboo fiber is rayon – whether lyocell rayon or viscose rayon. All bamboo is organic as there is no GMO bamboo and no need for pesticides or herbicides, but that is where anything natural ends. Bamboo is harvested and retted, typically with enzymes, but sometimes harsh chemicals. The remaining cellulose pulp is then dissolved with chemicals, in the case of Viscose Rayon, with sulphuric acid. The man made fiber is not certified organic by any certifying organization in the world So the fiber, yarn, and fabric are man made rayon – that’s why the label says lyocell rayon or it might say viscose rayon – but it definitely won’t have any organic certification because there is no such thing. Bamboo is a great renewable resource and when processed in ZDHC environment, a decent fiber to use. It’s beyond me why these brands insist on lying about having organic status.

    • Thanks for the information. I’m going to look more into this.

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