Baby wipes are expensive. Making your own baby products can be a great way to lessen the impact on your wallet and the environment. Learn how with this recipe for easy homemade baby wipes.

Easy Homemade Baby Wipes Recipe

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Baby wipes are expensive. When you’re going through so many a day (I have 2 in diapers right now!) it quickly adds up. Not to mention how wasteful it is. Making your own wipes is a great way to reduce your impact on both the environment and your wallet. Making your own baby products doesn’t have to hard with this recipe for easy homemade baby wipes.

Baby wipes are expensive. Making your own baby products can be a great way to lessen the impact on your wallet and the environment. Learn how with this recipe for easy homemade baby wipes.

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We’re a primarily cloth diapering family, so the transition to homemade baby wipes wasn’t that big of a jump for us. We simply toss our wipes (and our family cloth – but that’s a whole different blog post) in with our cloth diapers and wash that way. Our wipes are by Marley’s Monsters on Etsy but you can really use just about anything for wipes – burp clothes, old clothes, you name it.

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Easy Homemade Baby Wipes


Baby wipes are expensive. Making your own baby products can be a great way to lessen the impact on your wallet and the environment. Learn how with this recipe for easy homemade baby wipes.


Hydrosols – AKA flower water – are a byproduct of the essential oil distillation process and are much gentler on skin. A much better choice for tiny baby bums!

Mix 1 part water, 1 part lavender hydrosol, 1 part tea tree hydrosol, and 1 part witch hazel. Pour into spray bottle or over wipes.

Hydrosols and Witch Hazel have natural antibacterial properties, and using distilled or boiled water versus tap water can increase shelf life. Larger batches however, should be frozen or have a preservative added to prevent spoilage.

Discontinue use if irritation occurs.

This recipes for homemade baby wipes is so quick and easy! I usually make a huge batch of this, fill 1-2 spray bottles with it, and freeze the rest into cubes to unthaw when I need. This saves me so much time while maximizing shelf life.

Baby wipes are expensive. Making your own baby products can be a great way to lessen the impact on your wallet and the environment. Learn how with this recipe for easy homemade baby wipes.

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