Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

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Do you live in the city? Is your home close to a busy road or do you share your nest with some furry friends? Even the most conscientious homeowners can find it tough to tackle dust. If your home is a dust trap, here are some practical solutions to help you breathe easy.


If you have pets or your home is prone to collecting dust, your vacuum cleaner should be your best friend. Vacuuming is the most effective means of removing dust from carpets and soft furnishings. If you have delicate wooden floors, brush the surface first, create a pile, and then use your vacuum cleaner to suck whatever you’ve collected. Make sure you have a powerful cleaner. If you have a lot of dust or fur in your home, it’s often worth paying a little more for improved performance. You can buy models that are specifically designed to combat pet fur. It’s a good idea to read user reviews before you buy.

Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

Changing your bedding

You may not be able to spot unwanted visitors in your bed sheets, but you can be almost certain that there are dust mites lurking in your linen. When you sleep, you lose skin cells, and your bedding can shed fibers. Before you know it, there’s a dust collection you’re not even aware of. It’s advisable to wash your bedding once a week. If you have pets, and they sleep on your bed, you may wish to change your sheets more frequently. If your bedroom is dusty and you have asthma, this can trigger symptoms.

Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

Professional cleaning
If your carpets are in need of a good clean, it’s a good idea to call in professionals like Arevalo Bros Chem-Dry. Carpet cleaning companies use the latest technology to provide a level of cleaning far superior to simple vacuuming. You’ll be left with a fresh scent and a sparkling, dust-free carpet.

Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

Keeping your closet in check

Your closet may look tidy, but there’s every chance that it’s harboring dust. If you’ve got clothes or old shoe boxes hanging around, or racks of coats, you may be surprised at how much dust can collect in a small space. Try and keep your closet in check, and use plastic containers and bags to keep your clothes, shoes, and accessories in pristine condition.

Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

Grooming your pets

If you have pets, you’ve probably noticed that they shed a lot of hair, especially at certain times of the year. Grooming is essential to minimize the risk of matting, but it will also help you reduce dust at home. Take a comb or brush, and groom your pet a few times per week. Collect the loose fur in a pile, and use your vacuum cleaner to remove it. Regular baths are also recommended for dogs.

Is Your Home A Dust Trap? Practical Solutions To Help You Breathe Easy

If your home seems to attract dust no matter what you do, hopefully, these tips will help. Vacuum on a regular basis, keep your closet tidy and change your bedding at least once a week. It’s also a really good idea to get a professional carpet cleaner in if your carpets are in need of some TLC.


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