If you’re not used to greener living, you may assume that you need to make wholesale changes to the way you live to make a difference to the planet. But you’d be wrong. If every family took a few simple steps, the impact would be immeasurable. If your family is keen to do its bit, here are some easy peasy ways you can go green in 2017.
Clean commuting
Do you drive to work every day? Or do you drop the kids off at school in the car? If so, you can make a positive difference by reducing your carbon footprint. If you live close enough to the school gates to walk, take a trip by foot every morning and afternoon. If you live further away, look into school bus routes. You can also consider leaving your car at home if you live close enough to work to cycle or walk. If you live further afield, why not take the subway, bus or train? If you have to drive, see if you can carpool or share lifts with colleagues.

How often do you bundle everything together when you put the trash out? If you use plastic, glass or paper items, try and get into recycling. Recycling is a means of making the most of the materials we have available to us. If you don’t want to take a trip to a waste site that offers recycling facilities, you can arrange curbside collection. For more information, take a look at http://allpointswasteservice.com/. Check the packaging to make sure you can recycle products before you take the garbage out.

Saving energy
Look around you. How many electrical appliances are running in your home at any one time? How many lights and lamps are on? How many appliances are switched to standby? Most of us use more energy than we need. We leave taps running when we’re cleaning our teeth or lights on when we leave the room. We switch the TV off using the remote control rather than turning it off at the socket. We put the dishwasher on when it’s only half full. If you use less energy, you’ll save yourself money, as well as making a positive difference to the environment. If you don’t already have one, consider getting an energy meter. This is a device, which enables you to see how much energy you’re using at any given time. If you’re aware that the numbers are too high, you can make an effort to cut back. If you’re hoping for lower energy bills, read http://lifehacker.com/5953039/how-to-reduce-your-energy-bill-with-no-cost-or-sacrifice.
As temperatures fall, it’s also wise to consider ways to make your home more efficient. Instead of putting the heating on all the time, use sealant to patch up cracks and draught excluders to keep the cold out. It may also be worth investing in insulation if you have an attic.

It’s 2017, and the subject of climate change is something in which we all need to take an interest. If we’re all keen to go green, making simple changes will have a dramatic impact.