Keep Your Kitchen Looking Fresh With These Tips

Keep Your Kitchen Looking Fresh With These Tips

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There are many home projects to undertake, but we spend so much time in the kitchen but we sometimes don’t give it the attention it deserves and needs. Your kitchen can be a place you love, not just a place where the food gets done. Here are some great tips to keep your kitchen looking fresh.

Change The Lighting

If you increase the lighting in your kitchen it’ll look brighter and more pleasant. Dark and drab colours make a kitchen look dreary and boring. You can swap to a nice powerful overhead light, it’ll do wonders. You can try out some other solutions too like under cabinet lighting to give your kitchen that added touch of luxury.

Consider A Wider Overhaul

If your kitchen is super old it might be worth getting a new one put in instead of spending money on little trinkets. It might be more expensive but if you keep trying to dress it up it’ll just cost you more money in the long run. There are some great companies out there offering competitive kitchen makeovers.

Keep Your Kitchen Looking Fresh With These Tips

Use A Rug

Rugs aren’t commonplace in a kitchen but they can really make it look different and add that cosy feel, it’s especially the case if you have damaged tiles or ugly flooring which you simply cannot afford to replace.

Upgrade Some Appliances

It can get costly, but sometimes the kitchen just isn’t the problem, it’s the appliances. If a cooker or fridge has been playing up for a while get a new one. They last years and you can get some great finance deals on them. A new fridge can become the focal point of your kitchen, especially if it’s tall and in a domineering colour like black or slate grey.

Add A TV

You spend hours and hours in there so why not affix a nice little TV where you can watch your favourite shows as you cook food. It’ll give your kitchen that modern look too. You can find a great variety of specially made kitchen tv’s here, there’s a great price range too.

Temporary cabinet covers

If your cabinets are looking a bit old and tardy you can spruce them up without having to buy new ones. Use contact paper or vinyl to create designs and patterns on your tired cabinets or make them look like a whole new different solid color with a larger piece of contact paper. Just make sure you’ll be able to remove whatever product you use without damaging the cabinet material.

Add Plants

You can add plants to your kitchen to give it that extra splash of colour. The scents can be refreshing and you can plant herbs to use in your cooking. They can also help you cover up some cracks or stains on your windowsill or countertop.

Put Some Pictures Up

Adding pictures can give your kitchen that personal touch, especially if it’s a rental. It doesn’t necessarily have to be family pictures, you could use bespoke artwork. If you don’t think this will work you can give your kitchen a fresh lick of paint. It won’t take too long and for a relatively inexpensive pot of paint you can make the kitchen look brand new.


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