Making Your Dreams A Reality

Making Your Dreams A Reality

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Every mother has dreams! Of course, we do. Mainly, we dream about doing the absolute best for our kids and our family at large. For the most part, our dreams might be to make their dreams come true. However, we might try to make things work at home by making sure our kids have full bellies, and a roof over our head – but is that really enough? We want to do the best for our kids, not the bare minimum (even if that’s hard enough to achieve, sometimes!). The truth is though, is that most dreams are based around money – even if we don’t want to admit it to ourselves. To go to college, you need money, to travel the world you need money – to do mostly anything, you’re going to need cash of some sort to fund your dreams – and it might be more than your paycheck can currently afford.

Making Your Dreams A Reality

If we are going to seriously consider making our dreams more of a reality, we will need to tune into the idea of getting more from our money. Yes, we might have the same amount, but we’ll need to work a little bit harder to make each dollar a bit more powerful. It’s like your own little economy!

In the first instance, find out what you can cut down on. Simple savings have huge effects. Cutting down on five dollars of coffee every day of your life can save you hundred and hundreds of dollars over the course of a year. It’s worth considering cutting down the little things before making huge changes to your life – families are built on stability, you see! You can find out how to save by putting in the work to make a budget. With apps like IFTT, you can make a budget pretty easily if you constantly use Android or Apple Pay to make purchases – almost automatically. The purchases will send their data to a spreadsheet, and you can see where you’re spending! The contactless purchases are likely to be impulsive as well – such is the nature of the contactless spending device.

Saving is just one way we can stretch our budgets and make allowances to achieve dreams – but what about earning more? Now, many parents might not be in a position to change job roles to chase lucrative paydays – but you can certainly boost your income with a variety of part-time or work from home rules. One of these roles could be filling out surveys to earn a bit of cash on the side and you’ll find out if you read this review first, that it’s actually a pretty decent money spinner if you can put some time behind it.

You might even consider things like making your own business, or something else entirely. The main thing is that you should be making a bit of money to put away to achieve your goals, whatever they might be. Money might make the world go round, but it can also help you and your family achieve what you want from life.


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