No Place like Home: Home Improvements That You’ve Been Holding off for Far Too Long

No Place like Home: Home Improvements That You’ve Been Holding off for Far Too Long

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As the saying goes: home is where the heart is. Our homes are the place where we spend the most time and make the most memories. Since we’re going to be spending a lot of time in them, how about giving them a much-needed upgrade? Let’s face it, all our homes are due for an upgrade. Perhaps there are some kitchen appliances that you want replacing, maybe it’s finally time to get rid of your carpet in favour of laminate flooring, or maybe you want to improve that depressing looking garden.

If you don’t have any immediate plans, then check out some of these ideas to get some inspiration on how you can buff up your home and make it more welcoming come 2017.

No Place like Home: Home Improvements That You’ve Been Holding off for Far Too Long

Replace Flooring

Carpets can get worn out with regular use. If you haven’t replaced your carpet for a couple of years, consider either giving it a professional clean or perhaps replace it with laminate flooring. Installing new carpets and flooring can be done yourself, but it takes a couple of tools, some practice, and a lot of help. Never do it on your own, and make sure to clear out the room and plan an area to store away your furniture before stripping the carpets off.

A New Kitchen

A kitchen makeover is an expensive investment, but well worth it. You can plan large renovations such as changing your kitchen plan, or small upgrades like replacing kitchen appliances or countertops. A popular option is to knock down a wall or two to merge the dining area with the kitchen, and perhaps even merge it with the living area. It turns your house into a large social area—you can cook while interacting with guests instead of being locked away in the kitchen. Keep in mind costs when planning kitchen upgrades! You might need to take out a fast cash loans if you plan to make some large changes to your kitchen.

No Place like Home: Home Improvements That You’ve Been Holding off for Far Too Long

Play Room

This is a popular option for families that have children or grown-ups that want a dedicated area for their hobbies. Instead of taking over the living room with toys and games, stash them in a separate room so that they’re out of the way and guests don’t have to deal with children’s toys littering the ground. If you’re big on movies and cinema, then you could even turn it into a home theatre setup. Add some comfy seating, a projector, and a shelf full of movies and you’ve got an entertainment setup that you’ll love.

Garden Improvements

Many people ignore their gardens because it’s far too much work, but they overestimate the dedication required to keep your garden looking fresh. The longer you leave it, the worse your garden will look. It helps if you hire someone to help you sort out the garden if you’ve left it unattended for a long time. They’ll help you cut troublesome plants, mow untamed grass, and help you redesign the entire place. Once it’s under control, it doesn’t take much work to maintain it. You can use the garden as a play area for kids, you could install a barbeque, and you could even start a greenhouse to grow your own vegetables and fruits.


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