Are you preparing to put your house on the market? Are you hoping for a quick sale? If so, it’s essential to impress those potential buyers. Research shows that humans form impressions within seconds, so it’s important to set the tone from the outset. If you’re getting ready to put the for sale sign up, here are some steps to take now.
Cleaning and tidying
Nothing puts people off more than clutter and mess. If your living room is full of toys or you’ve got mountains of dishes next to the kitchen sink, this is definitely not going to show your home off in the best light. Clutter makes rooms look small and cramped, and you want to make the property seem as bright and spacious as possible. Before you take photographs or show anybody around, make sure you have a thorough tidy. Pay particular attention to kitchens and bathrooms, as these rooms are most people’s priorities when they’re looking for a new home. Once you’ve vacuumed and polished, light some candles or scatter diffusers around to give your home a fresh scent.

Dealing with red flags
There are certain red flag warnings that buyers will be looking for when they take a tour around properties. If you notice problems like visible damp spots, leaking taps, or mold, it’s best to address these before your home goes on the market. Some people don’t mind taking on renovation work, but these issues will set alarm bells ringing for some visitors. Call in the experts and get some quotes. If you have mold, this is a problem that won’t go away on its own. You’ll need to look into professional mold remediation.

Sprucing up the exterior
Ask any real estate agent how to successfully sell a house, and they’ll tell you that adding curb appeal is a great place to start. Your visitors will clamp eyes on the outdoor areas long before they see a dazzling family kitchen or a heavenly bedroom. If the exterior is letting the house down, your buyers could be put off before they even make it through the front door. Keep your driveway clear when you’ve got viewings, and take some time to spruce up the garden and refresh the paintwork. Add some potted plants or trees or window boxes to make the house look more attractive and welcoming.

Create a blank canvas
When you’re looking for a new home, a blank canvas is hugely appealing. If you’re moving out, take a few minutes to de-personalize your home, and make it more neutral. These touches are what makes your house a home for you, but they can be off-putting for buyers.

If you’re selling your home, try and put yourself in a buyer’s shoes, and identify issues that may put you off. Sell your home’s best attributes, and try and address its flaws. Tidy, clean, and de-clutter, and open the curtains wide. Make an effort to make your home look more appealing on approach, and use candles and diffusers to add a pleasant odor.