As a parent, you want only the very best for your child. Keeping them safe and healthy is your number one priority, and of course, you’ll want to do everything you can to make sure no harm comes to them. The problem is, the world we live in is in no way perfect. Even things that seem harmless or even good for your child could harbor toxins and hidden dangers. Here are just a few things to bear in mind.
Feed Them Organic Food
While some foods are ok to buy non-organic, there are others where you should always buy organic if possible. Fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides which are incredibly bad for the health of adults, and particularly children who are less hardy and with weaker immune systems. A good rule of thumb is if you eat the skin of a fruit or vegetable, buy organic. This includes things like apples, tomatoes, lettuces and carrots. If the skin is very thick and inedible, you can get away with buying non-organic if you want to. This is foods like melons, oranges, pineapples and avocados.

Consider Your Water
Have you ever researched the things that can be found in tap water? If not, you’re in for a shock. Viruses, fecal bacteria, heavy metals, plastics, pesticides and other toxins could all be present when you fill up from the sink. There’s an easy way to combat the problem, and that’s to filter your water. If you live in a hard water area, you might also want to look into water softeners, a site like will have more information. While hard water isn’t a known health risk, it can accumulate in baby bottles which makes sterilising them more difficult. It’s also not good for your family’s skin or hair. Spending a bit of time considering your water, and providing your family with the best water is worthwhile.
Buy Organic Cotton Clothing
As cotton comes from a plant, it’s usually treated with chemicals such as pesticides and weed killers. However as it’s not used for food, it’s not subject to the same strict rules with chemicals. Traces of the chemicals can still be present in any clothing made even after washing. This is particularly problematic for babies and young children since their skin is more porous than adults. This means these toxins are able to enter their body more easily. Using organic cotton is a good way to get around this. At the very least, choose organic cotton for items that touch your child’s skin directly such as rompers and sleepsuits. If you wanted, you could choose non-organic for things like outerwear and clothing items that are layered over the top.
Use Natural Products
Just like with clothing items, any products that touch your child’s skin should be safe. Even products that are designed for babies and children can contain some shocking ingredients so always check the label. Look for products that use natural ingredients, or buy natural ingredients directly. Things like extra virgin coconut oil work as an effective moisturizer and can even be used on nappy rash on babies. You could look for recipes to blend different natural ingredients and create your own homemade products. Sites like have more examples.