Saving The Planet With These Easy Steps

Saving The Planet With These Easy Steps

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Saving The Planet With These Easy Steps

Use Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

Energy efficient light bulbs are a simple way to reduce the amount of power you use. Not only will this help the planet, but it will also save your bank balance too. If every house in the US replaced just one light bulb, it would reduce pollution by the same amount as removing one million cars from the road!

Always Recycle Glass

Always make sure to recycle your glass. Did you know that non recycled glass can take up to a million years to decompose? It can reduce related water pollution by up to fifty percent and related air pollution by up to twenty percent.

Have A Vegetarian Day

You don’t have to give up meat, but try to commit to one meat-free day a week. Each hamburger that comes from animals on the ex-forestry ground is responsible for the destruction of fifty-five square feet of forest.

Don’t Waste Your Paper

If you make a note on paper, save it and use the rest of the sheet for your notes. Ideally, try to be as paperless as possible. When it is possible, print on both sides of the page. And don’t forget to recycle it!

Go Solar

Invest in some solar panels. They make a big difference when it comes to cutting your energy costs and being environmentally friendly. Call some home solar panel installers, and they’ll fix you up in no time.

Plant Your Own Tree

There are many benefits to planting a tree in your garden. It’s good for the environment – both the land and the air, it can shade your home and cut back your air con usage, and it can even increase the value of your property.

Buy Second Hand

A lot of things can be bought second hand. Things that have a short usage period due to growth, for example, a child’s bicycle, can be picked up second hand in fantastic condition and also at a fraction of the price. This saves you money and helps to reduce packaging materials.

Buy Local Products

Where possible, buy local produce. This saves all the pollution incurred by transporting goods long distance plus its great for some businesses.

Turn Off Lights When You’re Not In The Room

Save energy and money by getting into the habit of switching off the lights when you leave the room. For standard bulbs, do this each time you leave. For energy savers, do this if you are leaving the room for more than fifteen minutes.

Choose Matches Over A Lighter

Lighters are also made of plastic and filled with butane, neither of which are environmentally friendly. Choose matches instead, ideally the paper ones. The wood ones are made from trees, but the paper ones are made from recycled paper, so you are doing no harm.

Don’t Use Plastic Carrier Bags

Plastic carrier bags are not biodegradable, nor are they recyclable. They sit in landfills where they often end up polluting the ocean and infiltrating food sources.

Saving The Planet With These Easy Steps

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