Giving birth is hard work, and it's no surprise that many women are sore afterwards. Soothe your postpartum body with these easy DIY soothing postpartum relief pads.

Soothing Postpartum Pads

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Giving birth is hard work… after all your pushing a human being out of your body. Some women even tear their perineum (the bit of skin between your vagina and anus) during the birthing process. It’s no surprise then that a lot of women are sore afterwards and these postpartum pads are just the thing!

My first child came out pretty quickly (only 20 minutes of pushing!). Although we had planned for his head to emerge spontaneously to reduce this, but at that point, there was no stopping me! This fast birth didn’t allow my perineal skin time to stretch and accomodate his head and unfortunately I did suffer from a 1st degree perineal tear and a clitoral tear and had to have stitches. So to say I was sore after giving birth was an understatement.

I was so glad I had the foresight to make these postpartum pads. They felt so nice and really helped me during the healing process. I actually used adult diapers, which I found to be more comfortable than pads during the healing process. I found myself worrying less about bleeding in these.

Make a few of these before giving birth and keep them on hand in the freezer. If your hospital or birth center allows it, you can even bring them with you.

Giving birth is hard work, and it's no surprise that many women are sore afterwards. Soothe your postpartum body witrelief h these easy DIY soothing postpartum pads.

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Soothing Postpartum Pads


Most of these can be found at grocery or natural health food stores, but I included links for easy shopping.

Yields 6-9 Diapers


Although the original recipe called for essential oils, I have since then switched my recommendation to hydrosols – AKA flower water. Hydrosols are a byproduct of making essential oils are are much gentler on the skin, something needed in such a sensitive part of the body!

Mix witch hazel, aloe vera gel and hydrosols in a large bowl. Spread mixture into diaper (or pad) paying extra attention to perineal area. Roll up diaper tight, wrap in tinfoil or tie with string and stick container. Freeze.

To use: Unthaw to comfort level. I found that they unthawed quicker if they were unwrapped and unrolled.

I absolutely loved these and have made them for both of my kids birth. They are a wonderful way to treat your bits after labor and birth and I highly recommend them.

Enjoy! 🙂

Other Pregnancy and Postpartum Recipes

Giving birth is hard work, and it's no surprise that many women are sore afterwards. Soothe your postpartum body with these easy DIY soothing postpartum pads.


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