Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

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One of the biggest tasks any mother can face is keeping the family home clean and tidy. For some, this task alone can be completely overwhelming. Many mothers out there will feel like it is a never ending task to keep a room clean and tidy. Or once they achieve it one space they find another space in their home becomes messy and cluttered.

If you feel like the above rest assured you are not alone. It just doesn’t seem plausible for us all to have a show home worthy house every minute of every day. However, you can keep on top of your home and ensure that it remains clean and tidy. With that in mind, I thought I would share with you some of the sure fire ways you can keep on top of some of the main rooms in your home. I hope the tips help you succeed at what can be an impossible task.

Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

The Kitchen

The kitchen can be one of the most well used rooms, so there is no surprise that keeping on top of the chores here can be overwhelming. So I thought I would shed some light on the essentials.

Sort through the pantry and cupboards regularly

One of the biggest jobs in any kitchen is the cupboards and pantry becoming cluttered. Many of us do a weekly shop and find that we can end up duplicating on items that have a longer shelf life. Things like dried pastas or tinned items, for example. What we tend to do is push back some of the other items we already have to the back of the cupboard. However, over time you can forget what you have. So it can be a worthwhile chore to go through your cupboards and pantries to ensure you know what food you have available. At this point it might be worth jotting it down so there is always something to refer to when you meal plan or write a list for the groceries.

One of the main things this task does is enable to you to check sell by dates and ensure that the products you do have in are in date and edible. Although many of them have a long shelf life it isn’t completely unheard of for people to keep sauces and tins in their cupboard for years. Having a good clear out also creates space for new items or allows you to rethink your storage space and clear out your kitchen.

Keep kitchen surfaces clean and germ free

The kitchen surfaces can be one of the biggest breeding ground for germs and cross contamination. Especially as you are preparing cooked and raw foods. It may not occur to you to use different chopping boards and items for things. But cross contamination can be the biggest cause of food poisoning amongst families.

What you may want to do is invest in cleaners that not only kills germs, but is also safe. For the kitchen the last thing you want to do is use products that are toxic. This is why it’s important to have a quality granite cleaner to keep the germs at bay.

Set aside a schedule for those irregular tasks

The kitchen can also be rife with jobs that don’t need doing daily or weekly but still need to be kept on top of. Things like cleaning the oven or fridge, for example. So make sure you set yourself up with a cleaning schedule so those chores don’t get forgotten. They can be easy to forget when they are not at the forefront of your mind.

Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

The living areas

Your living spaces can be the rooms you relax in and spend a lot of time in as a family. Maybe you watch TV, eat or just simply relax in one another’s company. Keeping it clean and tidy will enable you to focus on family time, instead of your constant to do list on your mind.

Don’t forget to check under furniture

Under the furniture can be the biggest place where dust can gather. Not to mention lost parts of toys and puzzle pieces. You will be surprised by the amount of junk and dirt that will reside under a couch or coffee table. NO matter how hard you work t cleaning the room on the surface. So ensure you check these spaces regularly to make sure the room is thoroughly cleaned. Again it isn’t a job that would need to be done weekly, but you might want to schedule it in for every few weeks.

Dusting regularly makes a living space feel homely

Dusting a living room space may seem like a thankless task. But it can be one of the most satisfying jobs you do. Dust can make a room appear less clean, even though there isn’t anything necessarily wrong. Dusting your television regularly will enable better viewing pleasure. As will keeping on top of things like mirrors and window sills.

Invest in easy to clean furniture and fixtures

Make sure you stay away from glass furniture or anything mirrored when you have a family. No matter how hard you try you will always be able to spot the finger marks and dust. You might also want to invest in cleaning gadgets like a cordless vacuum. It makes a simple job even easier when you can just get rid of those few crumbs or bits you have spotted, without it being a big job.

Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

The bathrooms

Bathrooms are the least favoured cleaning jobs I think. Many people will agree that scrubbing the bath or a shower basin can feel like a thankless task. But it’s again another place that dirt and grime can add up over longer periods of time when not dealt with. So here’s a few suggestions for keeping on top of the bathrooms.

Consider DIY solutions for the hardest grime

You will find many DIY solutions to some of those hard cleaning jobs on websites like Pinterest. Thankfully you don’t have to look too far to find some items that could help clear up some of the grubbiest of places. Mold on sealants, for example, can be a tough to clean when not tackled in the right way. Hunting out tutorials on websites like could help you combat that problem.

Even thing like tiles and shower heads can get particularly grimey if they aren’t cleaned regularly. It may not be something you do daily, but note down in your schedule a reminder to check these areas every few weeks to avoid any buildup of dirt and germs.

Include the bathroom in a thirty minute clean up each day

It’s always advisable to set up a thirty minute daily clean on top of your daily chores and to do list. This should be filled with quick things like wiping the kitchen surfaces or sweeping the floors. Your bathroom toilet should be included. It takes minutes to wipe around the toilet area and seat with a disinfectant wipe. Making sure you kill any germs or bacteria that is lurking.

Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

The master bedroom

The master bedroom is the one place you should be able to relax where you don’t think about your household chores and jobs. So ensure it’s a sanctuary by keeping it clean and tidy.

Make the bed everyday

It may seem like a small thing, but there is nothing better than climbing into a freshly made bed. So make it a daily habit to straighten your covers. You don’t need to add any fancy cushions each day, but doing this can make you feel so much better. It also adds to the ambience of your master.

Keep the space tidy and clutter free

Unfortunately the master bedroom can become a bit of a dumping ground when there is a family. It can be the place your freshly laundered washing lives, your ironing pile, or just random things you haven’t found a home for yet. Try and ensure that you rid your master bedroom of clutter. It will be a much easier place for you to relax in if you do.

Sure Fire Ways To Keep Every Room Clean And Tidy In Your Home

The children’s rooms

Finally, the children’s rooms can be some of the most untidiest in your home. But don’t let that scare you. It’s possible to keep them relatively tidy and clean. Here’s a few tips.

Set up a rewards chart

Sometimes it’s impossible for you to keep on top of the children’s rooms. But that doesn’t mean you can’t encourage responsibility by letting older children keep their own rooms clean. This is when you could introduce a rewards chart which could earn them pocket money or a treat if they keep on top of their rooms.

Consider storage solutions

Finally, a great last tip would be to create storage solutions to keep the toys tidy and in order. This may take a little organizing at first, but once you do it will mean that they toys and subsequently the bedrooms will be mainly tidy and clean.

I hope these sure fire ways help you to keep your home clean and tidy.


  1. Bob Rogers

    I’ve had the same problem with the mold on sealants…

    Black mold loves grouted surfaces because the surfaces often experience steamy and moist conditions (bathrooms, kitchens).

    I’m not sure if this link is of help to anyone, it helped me so I thought I’d share it (please remove if it’s not OK)

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