The Incredible Ways Your Home Can Save The Planet

The Incredible Ways Your Home Can Save The Planet

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No doubt you’ve done loads already to help save the planet. You’ve installed LED lighting instead of incandescent bulbs. You’ve got yourself one of those smart meters that’s supposed to conserve energy. And you read blogs like this, offering tips and advice on how to go green. The cool thing is that there’s an unlimited number of ways to go green in your own home. Let’s take a look at what you can do.

The Incredible Ways Your Home Can Save The Planet

Open Your Blinds To Save On Heating Energy

Did you know that you can save on your heating bill on sunny days, just by opening your windows? Well, you can. According to the data, having blinds open when the sun is out can reduce your heating bill by more than 10 percent.

Use Bamboo On Your Floors

The Incredible Ways Your Home Can Save The Planet

There’s a reason all the progressive entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley love bamboo: it’s sustainable. The reason? Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. This means that it can be replenished far more quickly than traditional timber floors.

Repair Your HVAC System

If you’re like most people, you rely on your heating system to keep your house warm. But over time, your heating system can lose efficiency. This can cost you up to 25 percent more in bills and use up 25 percent more energy. Get routine repairs for your furnace to keep it in tip-top condition.

Cuddle Your Pets To Stay Warm

13 percent of people cuddle up to their pets to save on their heating bills. Do you have a cuddly cat or dog?

Cut Down On “Refrigerator Gazing”

Every time you open your refrigerator, warm air rushes in, and cold air rushes out. Opening your fridge inevitable. But do you need to stand there with the door open, just staring at your food? Probably not.

According to Inhabitat, peeking into the refrigerator costs people between £18 and £36 a year. That’s a lot of wasted energy and money just by leaving a door open.

Start Using Low Energy Appliances

Low energy appliances are going mainstream, thanks to environmental concerns. You can now get things like dishwashers and microwaves that use up to 50 percent less energy than standard appliances.

Use The Microwave Instead Of The Oven

The Incredible Ways Your Home Can Save The Planet

Your oven is the most energy-intensive appliance in the house. It has to be. It needs to be able to sustain incredibly high temperatures over an extended period of time. Microwaves, however, use about 50 percent less power than a conventional electric oven. What’s more, more of the energy they use is transferred directly into the food that they are cooking. This means that their overall power consumption is often significantly lower than that utilized by regular ovens.

Only Buy “Eco Scents”

Did you know that most air fresheners are full of artificial chemicals that are bad for the environment? Well, now you do. Fortunately, there is an alternative. They’re called “eco scents.” They don’t contain any of the usual aerosols and synthetic fragrances found in artificial products. Instead, they’re usually based on natural, essential oils. Most people think they smell better too.


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