Music and dancing are such an incredible way to bond with our children. We often instinctively sing soft lullabies to our newborns and teach our toddler silly nursery ryhmes. Music and dance connect us and help us share experience. Luckily, there are a wide variety of books about music and dance that we can share with our little ones.

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All three of my kids have loved dancing, music and reading. So getting to combine all of those into a book have been my kids dreams.
Can’t get enough wiggling and singing? I’ve been a licensed Zumbini® instructor since 2016, and if you’ve never tried a class. IT. IS. AMAZING. All the fun of Zumba®, with the magic of child development. You can find a live class here.
Toddler Books About Music & Dance
Click on the images below to learn more about the books and to take a look at some of the pages. All of the following links go to the listing, but many of these titles will also be available at your local bookstore or even a thrift store. Happy shopping.
Sharing the power of music and dance with little ones is an amazing gift. Remember, you don’t have to be a gifted singer or trained dancer, simply moving with a loved one is enough.
How are you sharing music and dancing with your little ones?

Hi, thanks for compiling the list. My daughter likes “Woodstock Baby” the most.