What New Mums Really Want To Get As a Gift

What New Mums Really Want To Get As a Gift

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Becoming a mother is a wonderful and life changing experience. To start with, it can feel so overwhelming. The chances are you have never felt so exhausted in all of your life. Naturally, if a friend of yours has recently had a baby, you would want to take them something. Most of us will get something for the baby. But the new mum is just as important. But what gifts are actually useful to them? Here are a few ideas for you.

What New Mums Really Want To Get As a Gift


There are any reasons why food is a great option to take your friend. To start with, they will be so exhausted. So the thought of having to cook a meal, when they could take a nap, just doesn’t appeal. So they might just be surviving on cereal and take out. A home cooked meal is a heaven sent gift to a new mum (especially if their partner is not the best cook in the world)! Plus, if your friend is nursing, they will find that they are constantly hungry. But it will be tricky to get out to the store as much as they would like. So taking them some healthy snacks, as well as some treats, will be really thoughtful.

Vouchers or Gift Cards

You could create a set of vouchers for your friend. It could be vouchers for babysitting, or for something to help with the cleaning or the laundry. If that isn’t ideal for you and what you have time to do, then it could be other forms of vouchers. You could get your friend a voucher for a pampering session or a spa trip. It might not be ideal for them to get out of the house, though. So maybe a voucher for a mobile hairdresser might be better? Then they can get pampered, without the hassle of having to leave the house. Perfect for any new mum!


There will be a lot of late nights and early mornings. So getting something to keep them occupied during night feeds is a great idea. You could get your friend a magazine subscription, so that they get something through the door every week or month. Something to read is always a good idea. You could consider getting a streaming service too. How about a Netflix subscription, for example? If there is a perfect time to binge watch a season of Pretty Little Liars, it is when you are home with a newborn!

A Break

Quite often, the best gift that you could give is your time. If you can just go over and listen to them if they have concerns. It is appreciated if you can watch the baby for a couple of hours, just so they can take a nap. Even just so they can have a shower or a bath, uninterrupted for their baby’s cry. Time is certainly one of the most valuable gifts that you can give.

Is there anything else that you would add to the list for new mums?


  1. Lacey Ford

    I am pregnant with my first child right now and I could tell you that receiving any one of these gifts would be a blessing. Very good ideas!

  2. Lynne B

    Yes, yes and yes! I was trying to think of which one of those I’d want more and I think it would have to be food and a break. I had c-sections with both my kids so that was what I really needed.

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