Whatever the Weather

Whatever the Weather

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Whatever the Weather

It is such a shame that so many of us avoid spending time outdoors when the weather isn’t absolutely perfect. Being outside in nature, even if you’re only in the garden, is a great way to beat the blues, find a sense of peace and get active and what makes it worse is there is no real reason why we can’t enjoy being outside when the sun isn’t shining or when the rain starts to pour; it just takes a shift in mindset and a few simple adjustments to make going outside enjoyable whatever the weather.

Check out these quick tips for enjoying the great outdoors in all weathers, now:

Know What to Expect

The weather can be a fickle thing that doesn’t stay the same from one moment to the next, in some places at least, and weather forecasts aren’t always as reliable as we would like them to be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do your best to prepare for any eventuality. Using an indoor/outdoor thermometer, like the ones in this list can give you a good idea of the temperature and humidity outside and many can offer up fairly accurate local forecasts. When you know what the weather is likely to be, you can prepare yourself mentally and in your choice of clothing and accessories, so that you can truly enjoy your time outside.

Dress Appropriately

There’s no bad weather, only bad clothing, as the saying goes. If it’s raining outside, or rain has been forecast, you will need waterproofs, rain boots and perhaps an umbrella. If it’s going to be hot and humid, were loose, light v clothing, sunglasses, like the ones in this list, and a hat. Put on sunscreen and carry plenty of water. Adapt your clothes to the weather, and you’ll feel just as comfortable outside as you do indoors.

Pick an Appropriate Activity

Instead of trying to play ball when there’s a foot of snow on the ground, get out your sledge and head for the hills, build a snowman or initiate a snowball fight. Instead of fighting against the weather, work with it, and you’ll find yourself having a great time even if it’s freezing out and your nose is turning blue!

Encourage Others

Spending solitary time in nature can be very rejuvenating, but often we have more fun in the great outdoors when we have someone to share the experience with. So, do what you can to coax out your friends and family when the rain is lashing down, or the wind is blowing. Offer to lend them a warmer coat (like the ones in this list), suggest fun activities that won’t be ruined by the level and just try to be generally enthusiastic – there’s a good chance your mood will rub off them, and they’ll join you outside.

Change Your Thinking

Instead of thinking of weather as good or bad think of it as being different. Remove the negative spin and think of all the things various types of weather can enable you to do. The Wind is great for flying kites; the sun is great for tanning and picnics; snow can be fun in so many ways; when it’s raining you can have fun splashing in puddles! All weather is great – remember that, and you’ll never complain about the situation outside again!


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