CBD or cannabidiol oil’s benefits are being more widely acknowledged. It can be used to ease the symptoms of many things, with new research coming out. Plus CBD has less side effects than many other medications.

I received the following products at no cost to facilitate my post; however all opinions remain my own. This post contains affiliate links, meaning I will receive a small comission for purchases made at no extra cost to you. For more information, see my full disclosure policy.
I’ve suffered from anxiety and minor depression throughout my entire adult life. It come and gone in bouts, with some years being easier then others. However, this last pregnancy really hit my mental health hard, and has continued into the postpartum period. I’ve been having particular trouble sleeping during the night, even though my baby is sleeping just fine.
And even though I’ve been on medication in the past (and highly recommend it for any person who needs it), I’ve been seeking a more natural solution to ease some of my symptoms. CBD has been a perfect solution for me.
White Cedar Naturals CBD Review
CBD oil or cannabidiol oil is a naturally occuring compound in cannabis. It does NOT contain amounts of THC (typically less then .3%), the chemical in cannabis that is know for getting you high. New and emerging research is showing numerous potential benefits to CBD oil and a wide variety of treatment options.
It’s important to note that there is currently NO information on its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, whether it transfers into breastmilk, at what concentration, and what potential effects it could have on a breastfeeding baby.
White Cedar Naturals uses the cherry strain of hemp extract, considered one of the highest qualities available. All of their hemp extract is full spectrum meaning it contains a variety of CBD chemicals.

The Cinnamint flavor is strong, although pleasing. Both the mint and cinnamon come through wonderfully. To use, you simply squeeze a droperful onto the bottom of your tongue, pause for a few seconds and swallow. Increase or decrease dosage based on how you feel.
After taking their CBD oil for a few days, I definitly noticed an improvement in my mood – and notice when I haven’t taken it.
I’m definitly excited to try some of their other products (vegan CBD gummies!) and would love to see more flavors in the future.
You can purchase or learn more about White Cedar Naturals on their website. Also available on Amazon.
I’ve used this brand and really liked it. I can’t get hold of it where I live at the moment, so I tried another brand (which was useless).
I’m grateful for articles like this that can be viewed at any time and from any location on the internet. With CBD’s rising popularity, these types of articles can assist consumers, particularly those who are new to CBD, in selecting the best products and brands for them.
– Dan White