Breast Friends: The Best Alternatives To Breastfeeding
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Breast Friends: The Best Alternatives To Breastfeeding

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It is recommended that you breastfeed. It’s the most natural way to feed your baby. Breastmilk is a complete food and contains all of the nutrients, hormones and disease-fighting compounds that your baby needs. Not all of these are present in formula milk. However, it is important to acknowledge that not every mother wants to breastfeed. Not every woman can breastfeed. Individuals with certain illnesses can reduce the chance of their offspring contracting the illness by choosing against breastfeeding. Some women need to return to work immediately, and bottle feeding may be necessary at times. Whether for physical, social or personal reasons, it is also important to remember that the breastfeeding vs. formula feeding debate isn’t a binary, either/or decision. You can engage with both. So here are some of our top tips for women who are looking for an alternative to breastfeeding.

Visit Your GP

It is important to gain professional help when it comes to making dietary choices for your child. Before deciding what to do, contact your midwife, health visitor or GP for the best advice. Every baby is different, and they’ll be able to recommend the best options for your little one. Regular check-ups will also ensure that your baby is in the best health and will give him or her the best chance of growing up big and strong.

Indirect Breastfeeding

If you can’t be home to feed the baby as regularly as he or she needs, consider expressing milk. Expressing milk is the process of drawing milk from your breast to store for later. It is a method generally employed by women who have premature or ill babies who have to remain in hospital, or women who have to make a speedy return to work. It is also an option for women whose babies are taking longer than usual to learn how to latch on to the breast. It can also be used to simply to relieve the discomfort or pain of overly full breasts. You can express by hand or with a breast pump. Expressed milk needs to be stored in a sterilized container. It can be kept in the fridge for up to five days at 4 degrees Celsius or lower. It will last for two weeks in the freezer compartment of a fridge or up to six months in a freezer.

Organic Formulas

If your baby isn’t going to be drinking breast milk, then it is best to find the most natural alternative. Organic formulas are likely to be best. Brands such as Holle have a range of options. Composed of 99% natural ingredients, the milk used in holle formula comes from cows raised on biodynamic farms. These farms ensure caring and appropriate environments and strictly adhere to EU organic regulations. They also adhere to stringent international Demeter regulations. The 1% of ingredients that are not natural are the vitamins and minerals required by EU regulations. This brand, in particular, has stronger ethics than most. They don’t use animal hormones or growth regulators in their cattle. They also refuse to dehorn cows and promote diversity, instead of monocultures.


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