Your anniversary is coming up and the pressure is on. Last year you just got him a tacky card and he pulled out all the stops planning the perfect day. It was lovely but you ended up feeling like you’d let him down a bit. He probably doesn’t feel that way and he was happy to spend the day with you, but you still want to step up your game this year. He set the bar high so you’ll have to do something pretty spectacular this time around if you want to impress. Here are some ideas for a unique anniversary that he’ll never expect.
The Devil Is In The Detail
It’s the small things that really show somebody that you love them. Grand gestures are great, but doing things that show that you know him better than anyone will make him happier than any big gifts. Making him breakfast in bed is always a welcome surprise. If you can think that far back, try to remember what you had the first time you ate breakfast together and make him that. It’s a thoughtful way of celebrating your time together.

After that, fill the house with things that he loves. Having his favorite album playing when he comes down the stairs is a great way to get things off to a good start. If you want to make the surprise even bigger, act like you’ve got nothing planned then wait for him to go for a shower. When he gets out, have everything set up perfectly, he’ll never see it coming.
Trying to buy him a gift is often the hardest part of any occasion. If you search anniversary gifts online you’ll probably get a load of tacky teddy bears with love hearts on them. You don’t want one and neither does he, it’s impersonal and there isn’t much thought in it. There are plenty of places that you can find gifts for the man who has everything, you just need to look a bit harder. Taking him out for the day and doing something nice together is a much better gift than a soppy heart shaped pillow that he’ll never use. It will also create great memories for the two of you, which is more valuable than anything you could ever buy in a store.
Another way of showing that you care is to make a homemade gift for your husband, he will be sure to appreciate it more.
No Distractions
Don’t plan the anniversary around the rest of your day, plan everything else around the anniversary. This special day only comes once a year so it should take precedence over everything else. If you’ve got kids, ask a parent or a friend to take them for the night so it’s just the two of you for the whole day.
If your anniversary falls on a weekday, book the day off work ahead of time and get him to do the same. Telling him that he needs the day off without revealing any details will build the excitement and make whatever you have planned all the more special.
When you get up, take both of your phones and switch them off. Let friends and family know beforehand that you won’t be contactable, that way you can spend the day together without any distractions.