While I applaud anyone that is making an effort to live a more eco-conscious life, it is easy to get to a plateau and just stop. You do the basics and then think, that’s it, I’m covered! But what if there was more that you could be doing, more that could help make this planet sustainable for all of its residents? Read on for some suggestions.
Ok, so most people know the basics of conserving water. Don’t leave the taps running, use gray water and the like. But what about the water that you drink? Bottled water is one of those things that has slipped under the radar. We have clean water pumped into our homes, yet will still insist on paying for water stored in plastic bottles that are pretty questionable.
Also what happened to the bottles when they are used? Most of them get thrown away and end up in a landfill. Granted some do get recycled and made into things like this ceiling insulation. Which is double eco-friendly because it helps you save on the amount of energy you expend in your home as well as being made from bottles that would just have been thrown away.
If you have been trying to reduce your carbon footprint by car sharing or using public transport, you may be ready for the next stage. That is swapped your car for a velocipede!

Ok, this isn’t going to work for every journey that you do, and it is totally reasonable to keep a car for occasional use or emergencies. But cycling short distance instead of driving can do good to both you and the environment. You are using less fossil fuel for one, and you are getting a great workout too! You can even get a carriage for the kids to sit in when you want to go out as a family.
Ok, you probably think that this is a weird category for eco-upgrades. But it really isn’t. There is actually three eco-friendly changes you can make to your morning brew.
The first is use your own travel mug when visiting the coffee shop. This cuts down on all that paper and plastic waste. The second is insist that they use fair trade, ethical beans which are good for the environment, and the growers.
The third is that if you are making fresh coffee at home, from the aforementioned beans, then save the grounds. They are actually great fertilizer and much coveted for growing your own mushroom. Which, in turn, can help you cut your carbon footprint. This is because you are not using store bought ones that have been transported halfway across the country!
Of course, clothes are something that it is important to get right when you are trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible. For one, clothes manufacturing can produce a lot of chemical waste which pollutes the environment that it is made in.
You have probably thought about buying pre-loved items to help reduce this impact. But have you ever consider making your own garments too? With a sewing machine, and a bit of determination it can be done, and you can even get some pretty modern and up to date patterns to work with.