Is It Time You Faced Your Fears? Common Phobias Revealed

Is It Time You Faced Your Fears? Common Phobias Revealed

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Most of us have fears. But a phobia is much more serious. It’s normal to be anxious in certain situations. However, a phobia often provokes extreme anxiety in a setting in which most people would feel completely comfortable. Phobias tend to be irrational. It’s not fully understood what causes phobias, but negative experiences in the past may shape our judgment. If you have a phobia, is it time you faced your fears? Here are some of the most common phobias and some tips to overcome them.


This is one of the most prevalent phobias. It is a fear of spiders. Even the thought of coming face to face with these eight-legged creatures is enough to cause extreme anxiety. It is estimated that around 30 percent of Americans have arachnophobia. In many cases, people are afraid of spiders because there are some deadly species out there. However, the chances of coming face to face with a dangerous spider are slim. There are various techniques that can be employed to tackle arachnophobia. Some people choose to face their fear head-on and handle a spider in a controlled environment. Others prefer to use techniques like hypnotherapy. Once you’ve conquered your fear, you’ll be able to see spiders without panicking. You can remove them without searching online for tips on how to kill spiders. You’ll be brave enough to simply pick the spider up using a glass and a piece of paper, and take it outside.

Is It Time You Faced Your Fears? Common Phobias Revealed


Ophidiophobia is the scientific name for a deep-seated fear of snakes. Most people are afraid of snakes because they have the potential to cause severe harm. Thankfully for those who have a phobia of snakes, it’s relatively uncommon to come across a snake in your backyard. However, if you do have a phobia, it may be something you want to tackle. It may help you to learn more about snakes. You may also feel more confident if you handle a snake. In this case, you’ll have an experienced snake handler with you to help out if required, and to provide reassurance.

Is It Time You Faced Your Fears? Common Phobias Revealed


Aerophobia is a fear of flying. Many passengers feel apprehensive when it comes to taking off in an aeroplane. But for some, even the thought of flying is enough to put them off. A phobia of flying can prevent you from traveling and seeing the world. If you dream of visiting different countries, there are methods that may work. Some people are able to get through a flight with the help of people close to them and encouragement and guidance. For others, it may be beneficial to try and alter the mindset before a flight. Work out why you’re afraid, and try and rationalize your feelings. If you look at the facts, you’ll find that flying is by far the safest mode of transport. Learning more and changing the way you think can put your mind at ease.

Is It Time You Faced Your Fears? Common Phobias Revealed

If you live in fear, it can hold you back. If a phobia is getting you down, is it time you took steps to overcome it? Hopefully, these tips will get you thinking, and inspire you to try and tackle your fears.


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