Natural remedies for allergy relief. Good to know with spring coming! Must read!

Natural Allergy Remedies

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It’s officially been Spring for a while, and I am definitely feeling like it. The flowers outside are blooming, the birds are chirping… and my nose is running. Nothing ruins my outdoor fun quite like seasonal allergies. I really love the outdoors and nature, but being outside for more than 20 minutes has me sneezing and itchy. However, I’m not a fan of how commercial allergy medicine makes me feel. Luckily, there are plenty of natural allergy remedies so I don’t have to suffer all season.

Natural remedies for allergy relief. Good to know with spring coming! Must read!

Natural remedies for allergy relief. Good to know with spring coming! Must read!

Keep a Clean House – Keeping a clean house is easier said than done, but it can go a long ways in preventing seasonal allergies. Vacuuming furniture and floors, sweeping, mopping and dusting can really help clean up the air in the house. Make sure to pay extra attention to places where allergens can hide. Carpet and rugs near doors, sofas and blankets near windows, and filters for central air can all be breeding grounds for seasonal threats. If possible, keep doors and windows near family hang out areas closed.

Air Purifiers – Air purifiers are a good way to clean out the air in your house. There are an abundance of different sizes to fit any room. Just make sure to clean out the filters often so they keep functioning properly. Air purifiers can be found at most retail stores and on (affiliate link).

Bring in Plants – This one may sound counterintuitive at first (Indoor plants? But that’s what’s making me sneeze!), but consider bring a few good plants indoors. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and toxins, and breathe out oxygen, so having some plants indoor can help detoxify the air. In 1989 NASA actually did a study called The Clean Air Study to determine which plants were the most effective at cleaning the air. Try bringing in a snake plant, spider plant, golden pothos, peace lily, dwarf banana or aloe vera. Make sure to keep out of reach of pets and small children. My favorite out of these is the spider plant – it’s hardy, not terribly picky about light and water, and nontoxic (although you still don’t want pets or children to ingest it).

Himilayan Salt Lamp – Himilayan salt lamps are amazing little lamps. They are chunks of himilayan salt hollowed out in the middle to allow for a lightbulb to be placed inside. The heat from the lightbulb causes the salt to warm helping to neutralize allergens and toxins in the air. Plus they are really pretty to look at! Place them in the most used areas of the house, or if you work away from home, try placing a small one at your desk. They are available at most retailers and also online at (affiliate) or VibesUp! as a candleholder (Affiliate).

Neti Pot – Neti pots are great for seasonal allergies as they can help remove mucus and particles out of the nasal cavity. Simply fill the pot with warm saline solution and flush out your nostrils one at a time. For full instructions, you can check out my post on Neti Pots. Neti Pots and salt can be purchased at most natural stores or (affiliate). When possible, I strongly suggest going with a ceramic neti pot versus a plastic one.

Essential Oils – Essential oils have a variety of uses, and there are a few that are great for seasonal threats. Try diffusing peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, basil, or any combination. DoTerra’s Breathe is also a good choice as it can help maintain feelings 0f clean airways and breathing. Alternatively, you can also place a few drops of essential oil onto jewelry containing lavastone (available on Amazon – affiliate). DoTerra also has a softgel essential oil blend if you would prefer to take it internally. TriEase can helps you through changing seasons by protecting against environmental threats. Essential oils can be purchase through my DoTerra store or at most natural health food stores.

Acupressure – Accupressure has been used for centuries to treat a variety of human (and animal) ailments, and with good reason… It works! Numerous research studies have demonstrated the power of acupressure – placinng pressure on certain points of the body to relieve pain and stress. The Huffington Post haa a great article on preventing allergies and symptom relief with 7 points and 7 fingers. Definitely worth a try for allergy sufferers.

To get the most relief, I often find myself doing a combination of the above. Some of the things work at home, and some I prefer to use for when I am out and about. Allergies can make this time of year tough, but with the right remedies, spring doesn’t have to be sneezy.

What do you do to control allergies? Have you tried any of the above?


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