Protect Your Child From Germs With These 4 Unmissable Tips For Keeping Your Home Hygienic

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At this time of the year, we are all more susceptible to germs. And unfortunately, our kids are at the highest risk. When they are at school, they can easily pick up bugs from other kids, just by sharing pencils and sharpeners! And we all know how often children wash their hands at school! And although you can’t prevent them picking up germs at school (aside from telling them to wash their hands), you can stop it from happening at home. Here are four unmissable tips for keeping your home hygienic to protect your child from germs!

Protect Your Child From Germs With These 4 Unmissable Tips For Keeping Your Home Hygienic

Clean and Rinse the Toothbrushes

You will be shocked to know how many germs are hiding on your toothbrush. After all, after using the brush, the microbes in our saliva tend to stick around and feed off the food particles. It means that they grow and end up causing germs on the brush. Therefore, you need to make sure you rinse your family’s toothbrushes regularly with hot water before they cause your child to get ill. And remember to always stand the brushes up. As this article says, if you lay it down on the side, it might pick up other bathroom germs! And the bathroom is a haven for bacteria, so make sure you clean it regularly to keep your family healthy!

Protect Your Child From Germs With These 4 Unmissable Tips For Keeping Your Home Hygienic

Give Old Sponges a Deep Clean

One of the biggest hotspots for germs in your house is the kitchen sponges. A lot of people don’t realise how unhealthy they are for your family. After all, they collect all the food particles from dishes which turn into bacteria. If you then use them to wash another plate, germs might be passed on to these. And then if one of your family eats of the plate, they could get sick. Therefore, you need to make sure you give the kitchen sponges a deep clean to keep your family healthy. You can even stick them in the microwave for a minute so that all the bacteria is killed!

Protect Your Child From Germs With These 4 Unmissable Tips For Keeping Your Home Hygienic

Don’t Leave Food Sitting Around in the Kitchen

When we have finished with dinner, we often leave the plates on the side. But any old food sitting around could cause germs in the kitchen. These can be passed to the counter, and your family could get ill before long. Therefore, you need to make sure you clean the plates as soon as you finish dinner. And you might want to get a garbage disposal so that you don’t have old food sitting around in your kitchen bin. After all, you might end up with pests entering the property to consume the food. You can find reviews for these on sites similar to Down the Sink.

Protect Your Child From Germs With These 4 Unmissable Tips For Keeping Your Home Hygienic

Hoover That Dust Away Under the Bed

It’s always hard to get rid of all the dust from your home. But you need to try as dust can irritate your kid’s lungs and lead them to get the flu. After all, dust contains old hair, skin, and soil that is not good for your health! A lot of people forget to dust under the bed. But this is where it will affect your child the most as it can get into their lungs while they are sleeping. Therefore, make sure you hoover under your child’s bed to ensure they stay healthy in a clean home!

And if your little one does pick up a cold, read my previous blog for a natural way to ensure the flu goes before long!


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