The Benefits Of Cleaning - Yes Seriously!

The Benefits Of Cleaning – Yes Seriously!

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OK, so most of us think about cleaning as a chore to be done and that it bout it right? But it can actually be so much more than that. There are a lot of benefits to cleaning both for you, your family and the environment. Read on to find out more.


So this one may seem a little off the wall! But have you ever thought about your cleaning chores as a chance to get in touch with your embodied experience through meditation? It is actually something that the Zen Buddhist tradition talks about quite a lot.

The Benefits Of Cleaning - Yes Seriously!

The idea is that aim of meditation is to observe your thought and your body where you are now, whatever the task. Don’t mentally rush off into the future or the past.

Cleaning tasks are a great way of doing this because they give you a task to be focused on and absorbed in. They also tend to be quite boring they provide an excellent opportunity to constantly bring yourself back to the task at hand. Even though you might be tempted to think about something else while doing them.

Environmental Awareness

Everything we do in this world has a consequence be it for good or bad. Everything is interrelated, although we are often used to compartmentalizing our lives. For example, we may think of cleaning our home as something that only affects the people that are living there. But depending on the products and methods we use they can have an effect on the wider community and environment.

The Benefits Of Cleaning - Yes Seriously!

This is especially the case when using commercial cleaning products. As some of their ingredient that they contain are toxic and can cause significant damage to our both our local and global environments. That is why cleaning tasks can be a way of becoming aware of the effects our actions have on the things around us. It also shows us that we can change these effects and make a positive difference by switching to different products.


A serious benefit of cleaning that is often overlooked is that keeping things in good order can help to increase their longevity. That means that by looking after things properly we can preserve resources and not feed into the disposable culture. There are a lot of advanced cleaning techniques like power washing services that you can use to make even wood and stone look like new. This will allow things made from these materials to be usable for longer.

The disposable culture tells up to throw stuff away when it becomes dirty or broken and just buy a new one. But by looking after things in a proper way we can minimize the need to do this ensuring that the world’s available resources are conserved. It will also save our personal household money in the long run.

Peace of Mind

Another benefit of cleaning is that it gives you peace of mind. That is by keeping your home clean and tidy you know that it is the safest and most hygienic it can be for your family and loved ones.

You can use antibacterial products to do this, which will also let you use cooler water, which is better for the environment too.


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