Solve Common House Issues With These Eco-Friendly Solutions!

Solve Common House Issues With These Eco-Friendly Solutions!

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It’s easy at this time of the year to start experiencing some home issues. And while it’s easy to resort to chemical solutions, you need to stick to natural methods for the sake of the environment and your family. After all, a lot of products are full of toxins which can be harmful. Therefore, here are some common house issues you might be facing, and how to solve them with eco-friendly solutions!

Swap from standard bulbs to eco-friendly for long-lasting lights

There’s nothing more frustrating than when you have to head to the shop to replace your bulbs. After all, you need light in your home to keep your family safe. But a lot of the traditional bulbs can stop working quickly. And not only this, but they can drain your energy meaning you end up with expensive bills! To ensure you don’t have to keep going to the store, you should go for some eco-friendly LED bulbs to keep your home lit up at all times. Not only do they help the environment by using 90% less energy, but they also have a long lifespan. That means, your family will not have to worry about heading to the shop to get new bulbs any time soon!

Unblock the toilet drain with baking soda and vinegar solution

I think all families get issues with blocked toilets. Whether it’s down to your troublesome toddler putting toys in the loo or one family member has used too much paper, it can lead to a blocked toilet. And it can disturb your family’s regular routine if the toilet is out of bounds. A lot of people head to the store to find an unblocking solution. But there are some greener options available to help you sort out the blockage in your toilet drain. For one thing, you should try removing the item with your hands if it’s still visible. If not, you could potentially create a baking soda and vinegar solution. You just use a packet of baking soda with a vinegar and hot water which will get the water flowing through the toilet drain! And if this doesn’t work, many companies will use eco-friendly solutions to sort the blockage. And thankfully, there is a lot of information online to help you learn how to unblock a drain!

Solve Common House Issues With These Eco-Friendly Solutions!

Remove pests with a non-toxic homemade remedy

It’s a nightmare when you get pests in your home. For one thing, they can infest quickly so you could end up with a ton of pests like fleas or ants before you know it. There are some eco-friendly ways you can say goodbye to them for good. For one thing, you can use a natural repellent such as lemon juice or coffee grinds which ants hate. Or you can even get a nontoxic ant repellent such as Orange Guard which will drive them away. As for fleas, they hate natural herbs like rosemary so will not stick around with this in your home! Here are some other natural ways to get rid of the common pests!

Solve Common House Issues With These Eco-Friendly Solutions!

And if you get mold in your home, avoid turning to harsh chemicals which can harm your family. You can easily get rid of mold with a tea tree oil solution. As it says in this feature, it will cause the mold to dissipate quickly!


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